
Create Infographic Backlinks To Boost Your SEO Game

SEO is a dynamic field with many new marketing strategies cropping up by the day. The creativity backing these strategies is mostly applaudable, while some seem too obvious to have been missed. Infographics are one of the more modern ways agencies and specialists gather backlinks for their websites and projects.

In the last few years, infographic creation has witnessed more than a 67% increase in usage among B2B marketers. Like video marketing, infographics are growing to be the next big thing, especially as they’ve become more popular on social media platforms.

Considering the stress and creativity that goes into designing infographics, the question remains; “Are infographics worth it?” The answer lies in the strength of infographic backlinks. Infographics have become one of the easiest ways to build backlinks to your web property. 

What are the benefits of infographics?

Wondering how you can also use infographics as a backlink generation tool? Read on.

Infographics are highly shareable content

One of the biggest advantages of infographics for SEO is content shareability. There’s a high chance that your infographic will be seen, downloaded, and shared with others when it contains well-researched information, great designs, and vivid visuals. 

Sharing the infographic greatly benefits you, your business, and your SEO campaign. With infographics having three times more likelihood of being shared, you stand a chance to boost your audience and have your infographic material shared far and wide across the internet.

The result of this sharing may translate to improved traffic for your website or business, improved SEO trust signal, increased lead generation, expanded brand awareness, etc.

The right visuals are king

The average internet user has a short attention span. This means they want to glance through your website or online property for a few seconds, pick the relevant information, and move on to other things. However, visual stimulation offers a better approach to holding visitors’ attention.

You can hold your visitors’ attention for longer when you combine the right visuals and content in one place – an infographic.

Another important thing about infographics is that they are suggestive. An average reader who isn’t interested in the entire infographic can scan through it and pick the information they need while leaving others that aren’t particular or related to their situation.

Qualities of a Good Infographic

Obtaining infographic links can both be simple and difficult. The first key to getting quality infographic links is to pay attention to your infographic and its elements. Combining the right elements in your infographic gives it an irresistible appearance, makes it shareable, and overall sets the foundation for obtaining the backlinks you deserve and desire.

Below are some qualities to focus on when creating your infographic:

Irresistible design

A huge part of your infographic is the design. You want to ensure a solid design that appeals to the general audience’s visuals. Always remember that the quality of your designs can affect how well your infographic is received and how well it is shared.

You can start by checking out the best infographic sites to understand what sets their infographics apart from others. Doing this can help you understand the blueprints for your next infographic material.

A few tips to keep in mind when designing your infographic include;

  • Consider the fluidity of the text, pictures, and other visual elements that will be added to the infographic.
  • Consider how best to present your information in an ordered or unordered list. Bullet points?
  • Understand the importance of font when it comes to text and text usage
  • Select the right type and size of the font for your texts to stand out.
  • Make numbers and percentages stand out and be easy to identify
  • Consider incorporating charts (bar chart, pie chart, etc.) into the infographic if it is rich in numbers

With infographics, you should always aim for what the audience loves. Attempt to replicate the success stories/template used by some of the most successful infographics you’ve seen online.

Conduct in-depth research

The key to making your infographic shareable and acquiring backlinks through it is offering readers value. This means you should be willing to go the extra mile regarding information research and delivery. Think of what your audience wants to know/read, research it, and present the answers in a way they want it.

Start by deciding on the topic to tackle. You can use search engines for topic suggestions if you’re at a loss. Proceed to research the answers to those topics and how information delivery may have affected readers’ understanding of the answers. Armed with the question and answers, create your infographic with the right texts to answer your audience’s demands.

Creating your infographic

The infographic creation process is similar to any other content creation process. Start by asking the tough questions and researching what your audience wants or is looking for. Identify the topic(s) you wish to address and explore its length and breadth. You should also determine how you wish to share the information, on your website, via email marketing, social media channels, etc.

Once your topic and research are locked down, go ahead to find more information on what your audience finds visually appealing and how to communicate your message succinctly. Ensure that your infographic texts are short but punchy. Your audience may not want to read long paragraphs in infographics. 

Keep the design simple and fluid. Go from one point to another, keeping it short, punchy, and straight to the point.

How to get backlinks with infographics

A good way to obtain backlinks from your infographics is to publish them on your website with an embed code that makes it easy for third parties to share the content to their platforms. Please note that embeds may be a killer of page speed – which is also an important SEO factor.

Other than embedding on your website, you can also leverage these other tips;

Use your audience

You can leverage your existing audience to grow your backlinks by sharing your infographic with social media websites, forums, etc. Doing this promotes your business among an existing audience and allows them to further share it in their groups, social media channels, and other platforms.

Submit to an infographic directory

There’s a directory for everything nowadays. Look for infographic directories online and share yours with them. Doing this increases the chances of your infographic getting found online and generating backlinks for you.

Contact influencers and niche brands

You can also promote your infographic by reaching out to influencers or brands in your niche for help. It is important to note that this may cost you some money, depending on your industry and niche and the influencers you target.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging has been around for years and remains a great way to secure your website backlinks. You can reach out to niche-specific websites to collaborate for guest blogging purposes.

At the end of these, you’d have a visually appealing infographic submitted to key areas on the internet and positioned to generate even more backlinks for your website.

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