
What is link building outreach?

What Is Link Outreach?

Link outreach or link building outreach has been around for many years and is the simplest form of link acquisition in the SEO world. It is the process of reaching out to webmasters, bloggers, and web admins within the same niche for feature links through guest posting.

While outreach is a great way to amass links pointing back to your website, it also allows you to build a network of friends and connections within your niche. In the sections below, we touch on link-building outreach and how it impacts your SEO strategy.

Link Building Outreach in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Outreach link building focuses primarily on getting links pointing back to your website from other authoritative websites in the same niche. The link-building outreach can take many forms, including contacting prospective bloggers and webmasters through their social media channels, email addresses, or direct contact via a call.

For all the stress, the question remains, “what’s the impact of link building on your SEO and SEO strategy?”

The answer is quite simple, as link building through outreach fosters a healthy relationship between webmasters. It also improves the quality of websites on the internet, especially because you need to impress the other webmaster from whom you aim to secure a backlink to your website.

In SEO, links are valuable and aren’t given on a platter. This means that each web admin will aim to establish a good reputation and resource for themselves to convince others that they are worth the risk of pointing back to their resource.

SEO-wise, link building sends positive signals about a website to the search engines, showing that the website linked back to contains important and relevant information and encouraging its place in search engine rankings.

While link building has been identified as a powerful SEO approach, it is important to note that it is one part of many strategies that culminate in the desired SEO results. In itself, link building doesn’t carry too much weight; however, it makes more sense when paired with other strategies like great content, SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media marketing, etc.
It is also important to understand that link-building outreach takes time and effort. This is why some people attempt link outreach tools to ease their stress.

The benefits of link outreaches for businesses and website owners

Having clearly stated that link building can be time-consuming, you should know the benefits you stand to gain from a successful link building outreach. These benefits include;

Improves website SEO

Link-building outreach helps to improve website SEO. It creates links from other trusted and authoritative websites to yours, making your website more visible and easy to discover on top search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

By leveraging link-building outreach, you can also improve your website’s ranking and the number of inbound links coming into your web pages.

Improves networking and relationship building

Webmasters across the internet understand the importance of forming connections. With link-building outreaches, you stand a chance to connect with other webmasters and bloggers in your niche and similar niches. This networking opportunity can open doors to more collaborations in the present and future.

Reaching out to other webmasters and bloggers can also give you access to their network of similar-minded people. This means you can potentially grow your network from each new network you create with bloggers and webmasters.

Creates brand awareness for your website

Brand awareness is an important factor in driving traffic, sales, leads, and revenue to your business. By creating a network of links on different websites within your niche, you are also creating improved awareness for your brand.

For example, a construction material supplier may secure custom outreach links from a recognized construction contractor. Such a relationship can help create brand awareness for the construction material supplier, putting them as an endorsed party for all construction material needs and increasing their brand or website’s visibility.

How to do link building outreach

Link outreach can be very beneficial to your online business when done the right way. Follow the tips below to help make the best out of every link building outreach.


The first step to an effective link building strategy is research. Research your market, industry, or niche. Ensure that the top players are identified and narrow it down to options you can secure backlinks from.

You can also research your competitors to understand where they are getting their backlinks, through what means, and the options they’ve left unexplored.

Make sure the targets are link-worthy

Not all websites are worth the stress of a link building outreach. Start by evaluating each website to understand what they offer and how beneficial they can be to your link building strategy. You preferably want an updated site with good organic traffic that is well-designed and informative.

Create valuable and shareable content

Link-building outreach is more about what you can offer than what you can get. A good way to present yourself as a worthy consideration is to go over the top with the quality of content you intend to share.

Ensure that you have carefully crafted the content to be shared as a link outreach source. You can also check the website to know the type of content and format they favor. Doing background research and tailoring high-quality content to fit their editorial standards can improve your chances of securing the desired link.

Ultimately, make yourself a more valuable partner to the webmaster, and you’ll enjoy a better chance of acquiring the outreach link.

Reach out to multiple websites

Outreach link building is mostly a game of numbers. The more messages, calls, and emails you send, the higher the chances of conversion. To that extent, target as many websites as possible and ensure each message is crafted to appeal to them individually.

Follow up

Messages and emails sometimes get lost in the heap of other messages. In fact, some emails go straight to the junk folder, thus robbing webmasters of the chance to see or attend to them. If you haven’t heard back from a webmaster, don’t assume it’s an outright NO.

Cultivate the habit of following up on emails, messages, and calls. Ensure that you have heard an unequivocal No or Yes before backing off.

Following the tips above will increase your chances of securing more outreach links pointing to your website and ultimately improve your website’s SEO.

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